Facts & Figures
Number of Volumes  8
Number of Issues  39
Number of Articles  175
Article View  50,128
PDF Download  51,562
View Per Article  286.45
PDF Download Per Article  294.64

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“Novel Research in Microbiology Journal, NRMJ” is a new blind peer-reviewed international and open-access journal that bimonthly publishes papers that deal with novel research on microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, mold fungi, and viruses. Novel Research in Microbiology Journal, NRMJ” is published by The National  Information and Documentation Centre  (NIDOC)  affiliated to the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT). 

Current Issue: Volume 8, Issue 3, May and June 2024, Pages 2414-2490 

A review on drug resistance patho-mechanisms in ESKAPE bacterial pathogens

Pages 2435-2451

Apoorva Jain; Ajay Kumar Oli; Sughosh Kulkarni; Raghavendra D. Kulkarni; Kelmani Chandrakanth

Metabolic potential of Azotobacter alginate producers and sustainable alternatives for alginate extraction

Pages 2452-2468

Simiat O. Jimoh; Faizah R. Adebowale; Kifayat O. Asafa-Adedimeji; Ramat B. Badmos-Oladapo; Taiwo A. Sorunke